Latest Sunday Service
Welcome from the Pastor!
Hello and welcome to the website of Forest Baptist Church! I am excited that you have chosen to visit our site today and I hope you find it to be helpful. My name is Reid Stevens, and I am the pastor here. FBC is a church that is founded solely upon the gospel of Jesus Christ, meaning we allow the gospel to drive all we do as a church.
I want to invite you to come worship with us one Sunday morning at 11:00. We are a friendly congregation who love to have guests join us. You can expect a service that is Christ-centered and God-honoring in both music and preaching. Our goal is for people to encounter the risen Christ.
If you have any questions that our website doesn’t answer, then please let us know. Feel free to call our church office or send me an email anytime!
In Christ,
Pastor Reid
(601) 469-2206
Upcoming Events
If you are interested in our church and would like to learn more, plan to come to Starting Point!
Starting Point will meet Sunday mornings at 9:45 am during the month of February.
Men, sign up today for the upcoming Men’s Ministry Micro-Conference on Saturday, February 8! Neil Tullos, Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church, Wiggins will be the speaker. Cost is only $30. Cost includes FBC Logo Tumbler, Breakfast, and Lunch. There will be raffle drawings for a 20 Gauge Shotgun, Bruin Cooler, and gifts from local businesses!
We are so excited to have one of our own sharing His word with us on Sunday, February 9! We hope you will make plans to be here!
You are invited to join us as we GATHER for
food and fellowship on
Sunday, February 23 at 6:00 pm.!
We’re are looking forward to Kid’s Camp this summer! This is for those
that have completed (will) 1st grade-6th grade! Get registered today!
If you are in 7th grade-12th grade, you
need to go with us to Youth camp!
Let’s get registered today!
Current Sermon Series
Beginning Sunday, January 5, join us at 11:00 a.m. as we start our new sermon series!
We encourage you to make Sunday Night at church a priority!
There is a place for everyone!
While your children are in Children’s Choir
and your teenager is in their Bible study, join us Wednesday nights at 6:00 pm
as Pastor Reid leads us through the New Testament!