Basic Beliefs
Living under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, following the leadership of His Spirit in everything we do and being responsible with our possessions, time, and talents.
Embracing the full authority of the Bible as the Spirit-inspired Word of God for all matters of faith and practice.
Becoming God’s chosen vehicle for assisting believers in the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
Giving priority to the corporate worship experiences of the Body for the purpose of glorifying God, celebrating His grace to us and praising Him for His mercy and love.
Equipping believers for the work of ministry by identifying and exercising their gifts.
Practicing God’s-kind-of-love in all our relationships and wherever we have the opportunity to meet needs.
Maintaining a healthy dependence upon God through prayer and engaging regularly in intercessory prayer.
Forest Baptist Church is a member of the Southern Baptist Convention as well as the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board and the Scott County Baptist Association. Forest Baptist is an autonomous church under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. He purchased the church with his death on the Cross. He owns the church and directs the church through the leadership of the Holy Spirit. We cooperate with the aforementioned groups (SBC, MBCB, SCBA) because we recognize the value of associating and partnering with other like-minded churches in accomplishing the Great Commission in Matthew 28.